Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Slice of Life #21 Challenge Day 9: Longing for Daffodils

 For the month of March, each day I am writing and posting a slice of my life, hosted by Two Writing Teachers. 

Slice of Life #21 Challenge Day 9:

Longing for Daffodils

Last July I bought an old farmhouse and moved into an established neighborhood. With the arrival of each season, I discover new things about my house and yard. Lately, I have been anticipating spring and cannot wait to see if anything blooms. My daughter's favorite flowers are daffodils. To me, daffodils represent the end of winter and a time for rebirth. 

These daffodils grew outside the house I rented last year.
They were lovely.
For now, I have been walking around my yard, searching for signs of spring growth. So far, I have only seen mud and dirty patches of snow. 

In thinking about my yard and in anticipation of what it might look soon, I wrote this haiku:

Mild temperatures/

tease. Snow melts. I yearn for buds,/

hope for daffodils.      

In my daydreams I imagine that I will wake up one morning and find daffodils sprouting in my yard. However, if this doesn't happen, then I can plant my own.  


  1. When we moved into our new house with my husband's grandmother, she was just as excited about what was going to pop up. We were pleasantly surprised at the number of existing flowers. We had huge hydrangea bushes, and a gorgeous rhododendron, wrapping around the house. We don't live there anymore, but I still dream about those flowers!!!

    1. I think that I would dream about that too! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your haiku is beautiful. What fun to wait and discover what might be in your garden.

    1. Thank you, Lisa. I reread my posts from last year (when I was living in a rental house) and realized that I did the same thing

  3. I hope you awaken to daffodils and tulips one day this spring. And if not this then next spring for sure. I’ll be watching w/ you.

    1. Thank you, Glenda! That would be lovely!

  4. What fun anticipation - I am thinking of the "reveal" moment and also the story of what comes and who might have planted. Discoveries all around.

    1. Fran, that is a lovely way of thinking about it. I have a feeling that there are many discoveries waiting to unfold.

  5. Daffodils are the best indicator that spring is on the way. I have some, but they've become rather anemic (very pale yellow) over the years. Not sure if that's due to the soil of the age. Can you tell that I'm not a gardener? I do love taking pics of the blooms though.

  6. I am very excited to spot my first daffodils! I don't believe my yard has any, but I plan to remedy that with a fall planting. "hope for daffodils" is a lovely line that captures the full anticipation of spring!


Slice of Life Challenge #23: Day 31/31: March Coffee Date

F or the month of March, each day I am writing and posting  a slice of my life , hosted by  Two Writing Teachers .  Slice of Life Challenge ...