Monday, March 8, 2021

Slice of Life #21 Challenge Day 8: Climbing Adventure

For the month of March, each day I am writing and posting a slice of my life, hosted by Two Writing Teachers. 

Slice of Life #21 Challenge Day 8: 

Climbing Adventure

"Are you sure that's safe to climb on? Even for an adult?"

"We do it ALL THE TIME, Trina. Like hundreds of times. It's really strong." Seven-year-old Addy reassured me and then climbed up the ten foot high geometric structure. It wasn't really playground equipment but a metal sculpture.

I looked hesitantly at Steve, "Should we be climbing this?" 

He nodded, "I see people on this all the time. I think that it was specifically constructed for this. Don't worry."  

Addy didn't hesitate. She dropped her uncle's hand and ran. She flung her little body on the sculpture and scaled to the top in seconds.

"Come on, Trina! You need to climb with me. Then you can see pretend you are on top of the tower." 

Hesitantly, I touched the metal structure and gripped it with both hands. It seemed solid enough. The structure didn't sway, even while supporting my full weight. I placed both feet at the first level. 

My right hand reached for the next section. I moved up my right foot up a bit higher. My left hand and foot followed. Suddenly, I found myself scaling the structure until I reached the top, next to my spry seven-year-old friend.

"See, I knew you could do it! Good job, Trina!" I loved Addy's words of encouragement. "Think of what else you can climb with us now!" 

"It's beautiful up here. It's so peaceful," I shared. Addy nodded.

"How many times has Uncle Steve climbed up with you?" I inquired.

"He just watches.Like Mom and Dad."

How had she just convinced me to scale this with her?   

"Let's climb back down and have races to see who can reach the top the fastest. We can get Uncle Steve to time us." Before I could protest she was screaming, "SAM!! You, me, and Trina can have climbing races!" 

I gulped. I considered it a small miracle that I climbed up the structure and reached the top in one piece.

"We'll see. This is the most adventure that I have had in a long time, Addy." I replied and carefully climbed back down.

"Let's all start at the same spot. Trina, you go in the middle," Sam commanded.

"We begin at three. Wait, I mean I will count down from three." He said.

"Three. Two. One....GO!!"  

Addy and Sam quickly beat me to the top.

Although Steve didn't time us, he chuckled as he watched me race up and down the metal sculpture with his niece and nephew. 

I must have climbed up and down at least ten times before I paused to watch Sam and Addy race each other. Although climbing was fun and a bit thrilling, I was exhausted. On the other hand, the twin seven-year-olds seemed to gain more energy from climbing.

What kind of adventures have you had lately?


  1. What a great question! We haven't gone on too many adventures lately since so much is closed. Ziplining is something we do in the summer and are looking forward to again this summer! I do have horses I visit on my walks!

    1. I hope that you can continue your adventures soon - I think that we all need them from time to time. I have never tried ziplining - it scares me!

  2. "Good job, Trina!" - these words are most appropriate. You sure had fun. It reminds me of the adventures I had with my little nephew. It's been a while.

    1. It was a fun adventure, and I loved how they encouraged me. Play is so essential.

  3. This climbing adventure sounds like lots of fun. We need adult playgrounds. Seriously. They have them in China, and what a wonderful way to get exercise!

    1. Adult playground would be fun! I would love to see what they look like in China!

  4. What fun! It has been a while since I have been on an adventure!

  5. I'd say the real adventure is the seven-year old twins - but how fun, Trina!


Slice of Life Challenge #23: Day 31/31: March Coffee Date

F or the month of March, each day I am writing and posting  a slice of my life , hosted by  Two Writing Teachers .  Slice of Life Challenge ...