Saturday, February 13, 2021

#sosmagic: For the Love of Writing

I’m joining an open community of writers over at 
Sharing Our Stories: Magic in a Blog. If you write (or want to write) just for the magic of it, consider this your invitation to join us.#sosmagic

#sosmagic:For the Love of Writing 

Ruth's question nudged me to consider my current writerly life. In a challenging and exhausting school year, what motivates me to spend each day writing?

Ruth's writing invitation reminded me of a recent podcast I listened to - an episode on NPR's Life Kit. Poet Maggie Smith, was interviewed about finding hope in difficult times. Towards the end of the podcast, Smith offered listeners three suggestions for how to keep moving forward. Her first step especially resonated with me:
"One thing that always helps me is making time each day, even if it's a little bit of time, to do something that makes me feel like me, life my core self, apart from whatever trouble or stress of whatever else is going on in my life. And so for me, that's writing."
Since I listened to Smith's words, this thought has been spooling in my mind. What can I do every day that makes me feel like me? 

Like Maggie Smithwriting makes me feel like me. Although I publicly share a small fraction of my writing, carving out a time for writing every day centers me. 

"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart." 
William Wordsworth

I often fill my notebook with messy thoughts. Writing helps me sort through my myriad of issues using a healthy outlet. The act of writing calms me. Rereading my writing often reminds me how hard I am on myself. 

I love that writing helps me notice small moments.
I love that writing helps me practice gratitude.
I love that writing helps me show up as a more generous, kind person.
But mostly...I love that writing makes me feel like Trina.

What do you love about writing? 


  1. Such excellent connections here, Trina, between Smith, Wordsworth, and the need to carve out breathing space for ourselves. Writing absolutely does all of the things you list as loves here. It IS calming, and freeing. It is where you can be you and even come to know you better. I love so many things about writing - I once wrote a Dear Writing letter to thank writing for its impact on my life and to thank it. As Julie mentioned, it's a relationship. One of the may things I love best is how writing leads me to see how all things are connected. I could go on and on, but will stop here or this will be too long a comment! Thank you for this inspiring post today.

    1. Thank you, Fran! I need to write a dear writing letter, too. Oftne writing feels like an old friend!

  2. Writing helps me remember. I wish I had been a writer of small moments when my son was growing up. I have forgotten so much from that time of my life. I need to write more.

    1. Thank you! I, too, wish that I had written about more small moments when my kids were so small. However, I am grateful for all of the moments that I have shared through blogging!

  3. “Writing makes me feel like me” - this speaks to me strongly. I like how you crafted your response to Ruth’s invitation. Writing bringing calm, gratitude, and kindness makes the world a better place.

  4. “Writing makes me feel like me” - this speaks to me strongly. I like how you crafted your response to Ruth’s invitation. Writing bringing calm, gratitude, and kindness makes the world a better place.

  5. “Writing makes me feel like me” - this speaks to me strongly. I like how you crafted your response to Ruth’s invitation. Writing bringing calm, gratitude, and kindness makes the world a better place.

  6. I love that you fill your notebook with messy thoughts. And I have loads of them, eventually they find their way somewhere into a story. XO

    1. Thank you! I am glad that someone else fills their notebook with messy thoughts. There are lots of stories in my notebook!

  7. "Something that makes me feel like me." Even though I'm hesitant to admit it, writing does that for me. Now I want to find that podcast and listen to all of it.

    1. Thank you, Ramona! I loved listening to this podcast (and it should be hyperlinked in my post) - it was one that I wrote down some notes from. I didn't discover the poet until this fall and her words really speak to me!

  8. So enjoyed reading your words today!

  9. I love that Wordsworth quotation, and love this invitation to consider what makes us most ourselves. For me, too, it is often writing.


Slice of Life Challenge #23: Day 31/31: March Coffee Date

F or the month of March, each day I am writing and posting  a slice of my life , hosted by  Two Writing Teachers .  Slice of Life Challenge ...