Friday, March 18, 2022

Slice of Life #22: Day 18: Hmong Egg Rolls

For the month of March, each day I am writing and posting a slice of my life, hosted by Two Writing Teachers. 

Slice of Life #22: Day 18/31
Hmong Egg Rolls

Many people do not have the opportunity of eating Hmong egg rolls unless they are involved in Hmong culture. However, in the Fox Valley (where I live), we have a large Hmong population. Therefore, you can order Hmong egg rolls from many local restaurants, at local farmers markets, or outdoor festivals. As an added bonus, on parent teacher conference nights at my school, our Hmong Club makes Hmong egg rolls as a fund raiser. 

Students in our Hmong Club take orders for egg rolls, prepare and cook the egg rolls, and then they deliver them on conference night. They arrive hot for the time that you request them. They taste amazing, and I love helping our Hmong Club. 

Have you ever tried a Hmong egg roll? 

A combination of pork and veggie egg rolls


  1. Those egg rolls look delicious. You’re lucky to have fresh ones from students. This reminds me of the tamales students sold when I taught in Arizona and has me reminiscing about traveling to China.

  2. Those look amazing. My mouth is watering and I have already googled how they are made. The power of ethnic eating is the great reward for living in a melting pot.


Slice of Life Challenge #23: Day 31/31: March Coffee Date

F or the month of March, each day I am writing and posting  a slice of my life , hosted by  Two Writing Teachers .  Slice of Life Challenge ...