Monday, March 19, 2018

Slice of Life 2018 Day 19: Missing Viola

Monday morning scramble. My oldest child slumps at the dining room table. I ask him what’s wrong and he bursts into tears, “My viola is missing!”

We search all the usual places: dining room, bedroom, living room. No viola. We search vehicle trunks. No viola.

I leave for school that morning, a pit in my stomach thinking about the steep replacement fee. Immediately, I email my child’s teachers. No viola.

On the way home from school that day my child confesses that it may have been lost longer than a day (I figure at least three weeks).

Reluctantly, I inquire at the music rental store what to do if the viola has been lost. I learn that I must file a police report for a replacement.

I sift through my children’s closets. I find many other missing items, but no viola.

We check at church. No viola.

We check with grandparents. No viola.

“How do you lose a viola? They’re so big.” Everyone seems to inquire.

I finally get the paperwork in order to file a police report. On that same day, as I come to collect my children from school, my son leads me to the coat rack.

“Close your eyes, Mom.” He leads me down the hallway, then places a case in my hands.

The missing viola!

“Where was it?”

“I dunno. Some kid handed it to me.”

“You didn’t ask any questions about where it has been the last three weeks?”

“Naw. It’s home now.”

I grin. And then I breathe.
The viola is home! 


  1. Ha! I'm thinking someone wanted to try out the viola! Glad it's back home.

    1. Maybe? Though I am SO glad that it is back home!

  2. What a mystery! I hope he finds out where it has been. But so glad you found it.

    1. Believe me, I am SO glad that we found it!

  3. I love that he didn't even ask questions about where it was! Now I'm imagining the three-week adventure of the viola and where it might have traveled...

    1. I know! Me too! I am not sure that I even care where it was, just as long as it was home!

  4. The denouement is music to my ears. I felt frantic reading this post and could see myself searching, too. Now that young man has three weeks of practice to catch up on!

    1. I have been frantic the last month - so much worry about finding it! Yes, he has quite a bit of practice to make up!

  5. Ha! I clicked on this slice precisely because I thought, "I just have to know how you lose a viola." I love how the lines get shorter as your search becomes more frantic - and I love that he just accepts its return as a gift. Too funny.

    1. I didn't even realize that my lines got shorter as my search got frantic, but you are right! Thanks for reading!


Slice of Life Challenge #23: Day 31/31: March Coffee Date

F or the month of March, each day I am writing and posting  a slice of my life , hosted by  Two Writing Teachers .  Slice of Life Challenge ...