Saturday, March 7, 2020

Slice of Life #20 Challenge Day 7/31: Saturday Sunrise

Slice of Life #20 Challenge Day 7/31:
Saturday Sunrise

This morning I awoke well before my alarm, my body conditioned to the normal school morning wake up. Instead of lazily scrolling through social media, I took a walk. A beautiful sunrise warmed my shy soul.

Walk early to see/
beauty emerge from darkness./
Nature certainty. 

Looking to connect with a positive, supportive online community? 
Consider sharing a slice of yourlife with Two Writing Teachers. All writers are welcome! 


  1. Gorgeous photos. I love all the long “e” sounds in your haiku. The last line gives me hope.

  2. Mm... that was well worth the effort - look at the beauty!

  3. Stunning photos and beautiful words. Thanks for sharing your day with us.


Slice of Life Challenge #23: Day 31/31: March Coffee Date

F or the month of March, each day I am writing and posting  a slice of my life , hosted by  Two Writing Teachers .  Slice of Life Challenge ...