For the month of March, each day I am writing and posting a slice of my life, hosted by Two Writing Teachers.
6:30 PM. I've finally finished with the school day, made dinner, put away the dishes, and prepared my lunch for Wednesday. My plans are ready for tomorrow. I am caught up with grading. I even paid some bills. It's been a heck of a day. I'm exhausted but also anxious with all the current things swirling in my mind.
Writing is one of the things that helps to calm my brain when I am feeling out of sorts. I take out my journal and begin writing.
Herbert, one of my kittens, notices I've sat on the couch. Herbert bounds onto my lap, nearly pushing my journal to the floor.
I try to pet Herbert as I write. However, he sees the tip of my Flair pen move and begins to bat at it.
"Herbert! I need to write!" I gently scold and push his paw away. In response, he flaps his tail playfully against the side of my leg. He meows.
I put my pen to paper. Once again, Herbert paws at my pen. This time his movements cause a squiggly black line to appear down the side of my journal.
This game of me trying to write while Herbert bats at my pen continues a few more times until I finally concede.
I put aside my notebook and hide the pen underneath my leg so Herbert cannot get to it. For a few moments I stop and observe. I marvel in the rhythm of his loud purrs and enjoy his presence. Sometimes he is a part of my self care, too.
Writing can wait for a few moments.
I am so jealous of this playful kitty moment. Neither of my cats will sit on my lap these days. Hero is still punishing me, but she did snuggle next to me in bed this morning. Phoebe only wants to curl up in my blanket. She’s frenetic and the craziest cat I’ve seen. So I’m pretending I’m sitting on your couch and Herbert is on my lap giving me self care, too!