Monday, December 10, 2018

Haiku-A-Day December #10: Stories

I am joining Elisabeth from The Dirigible Plum in writing a Haiku-A-Day during the month of December.

Haiku-A-Day #10: Stories

Most nights, just before I retire to bed, you can typically find me either writing or deeply engrossed in a book. I am especially drawn to memoirs. For me, I appreciate when a writer is vulnerable and shares his or her experience of pain or overcoming some sort of obstacle. I certainly don't celebrate that so many others go through pain, but somehow it brings me great comfort knowing that I am not the only one who has gone through something hard - a subtle reminder that life is often messy and can be painful.

Recently, I came across this quote by James Baldwin:

 "You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read." 

This quote is taped inside the cover of my writer's notebook. I have found myself compelled to reread it several times in the past few days.

Today's double Haiku was inspired by my experiences in reading and from James Baldwin's wise quote:

Stories remind me
so many humans struggle - 
pain is not unique.

Where would I be if
no writers chose to show up
brave, vulnerably? 

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