Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Slice of Life Challenge #22: Day 1: Since Last March

For the month of March, each day I am writing and posting a slice of my life, hosted by Two Writing Teachers. 

Slice of Life Challenge #22: Day 1/31
Since Last March

Since last March, I've explored new learning
Learning how to tap dance
Learning macramé
Learning new recipes.

Since last March, I've been filled with laughter
Laughter erupting while playing family games
Laughter from visits and Face Time chats with my boyfriend
Laughter in watching two curious kittens play.

Since last March, I've gained new knowledge
Knowledge about students placed at risk
Knowledge about teaching students in alternative settings
Knowledge gained to earn a certification in Alternative Education. 

Since last March, I've realized unexpected blessings
Blessings from receiving hand written letters in the mail
Blessings in co-leading a school literary club
Blessings from loving and being loved. 

Thank you to Elisabeth's post in introducing me to this form of "Since Last March."  


  1. So lovely! I am so glad you found some inspiration to write this year and I'm so glad you're back again to slice! Your reworking of this form contains such celebration and gratitude. It made me reflect on the knowledge, laughter, blessings, and learning that have filled my last year as well.

  2. Life has been good since last March. That is wonderful.

  3. Trina, I’m so thrilled to find you here. I’ve missed your writing. This is a fun format I might need to try. Tap dancing? I’m impressed. I’ve always wanted to learn to clog.

  4. Trina, I love this form. I may have to try it myself. It is so easy to get caught up in what is going wrong that we fail to look at all the good in our lives. Thank you for the reminder.

  5. Learning, knowledge, laughter, blessings - your year in-between SOLSCs has been rich. Tap dance and macrame - not the most usual hobbies.

  6. I not only love this form idea, but I also love your learning, knowledge, laughter, and blessings. I am glad you are back!


Slice of Life Challenge #23: Day 31/31: March Coffee Date

F or the month of March, each day I am writing and posting  a slice of my life , hosted by  Two Writing Teachers .  Slice of Life Challenge ...